Friday, March 04, 2011

Album Under Review - Destroyer [One of the best parts of pornography is...]

Destroyer released Kaputt [aptly titled] on January 25, 2011. Before reading on, please consider the album name with its image. I love the implication of some suicide pact.
Now onto the revue: The songs seemed slow to my taste, though these few stood out hysterically. For fans, the divergence isn’t un-overcome-able. The natural bursts of sparse noise are quite nice, plus production got greater since my better Destroyer days, when Margot Tenenbaum’s record player was more the goal. This is music for fans of viewing Peter Sarstedt’s body after he died. Don’t get me wrong, the smell has been sterilized and it’s a well-made body. Trust me—-you want to look at this beautiful body, don’t you? Come on. Run your fingers through the hair of these next foor tracks.

Track 2. Blue Eyes
Track 3. Savage Night At The Opera
Track 5. Poor In Love
Track 7. Downtown

P.S. Standout track: Track 6, go find it elsewhere. Also, I'll tell you that I hate disco.


andre johnson said...

But why? disco is awesome! and so are 3 tracks from this album.

The Concert Room said...

It's a quote from Boogie Nights. You're welcome for da trax. Thx for commenting