Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tilly & the Wall - Bottoms of Barrels

I missed a David Dondero show tonight. Loneful drives from Oklahoma City to Tulsa are a real pain.

It seems like when I am older, closer to my parents age, or their parents when my parents were my age, I will look behind me to my teen years, late ones. There will be the music that I listened to, some favorite bands, and a couple of albums that are like a subscription ad in a magazine that that you immediately flip to. And then I will think of some youthful angst, some "fuck-'em all", some sexual boy/girl-inspired raw, animalistic, wonderful pacifying party-by-yourself music. The music that I would turn up and scream and clap and pull my hair to. The music that kept me alive.

From what I can tell, right now that music is made by Tilly & the Wall. The latest album is Bottoms of Barrels. And luckily for you (I pre-order, of course), Oberst-driven Team Love offers much free music on their site. If you shamefully, embarassedly, or ignorantly don't have it right now, download the entire Tilly album, Bottoms of Barrels, here...there. My favorite tracks so far are one, five, six, nine, and ten.

It didn't take Team Love too many releases to realize the unprecedented benefits of giving away free albums. In fact, their first release, also Tilly's first, is free. Before I forget, here is the recent-born music video for the first BoB single, Bad Education:

Tilly & the Wall - Bad Education Music Video

It was allegedly named after a movie by the same name, entitled Bad Education. Having rented it, I am not too far into the movie, but it is beautiful so far. It was at Blockbuster. I also appreciate the music video to a great deal, and watching tap-rock is always fun, and entertaining.

Once again, comment if you grabbed any of this stuff. If you are not sure, then trust me, and believe that it is worth it. Hey, it is worth it - and playful.

Buy Bottoms of Barrels from Team Love, get a Bad Education 7" Single for 99 cents.

Note: There were 199 website hits when this was posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And then I will think of some youthful angst, some "fuck-'em all", some sexual boy/girl-inspired raw, animalistic, wonderful pacifying party-by-yourself music. The music that I would turn up and scream and clap and pull my hair to. The music that kept me alive. - I think you have perfectly captured the essence of the music to which youth listen; you have a way with words.

Sorry to hear about the concert loss, but thanks for the link to the music video.